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Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2) Page 15

  Abby leveled a look at her. “Okay, first things first. Have you talked to him about any of this?”

  Megan looked down at her hands, fiddling with the ring she wore on her thumb, and shook her head. “No.”

  “Okay, well, you can't expect the guy to know what's going on with you if you don't talk to him. You said yourself that you know he hasn't ever had a girlfriend, at least not in college.”


  Abby raised her eyebrows. “So? Chris is a nice guy when he wants to be, but he's clueless about members of the opposite sex.”

  Megan snorted. “Are you kidding? Have you seen him flirt?”

  A grin split Abby's face. “Yes, and that's not what I'm talking about. Sure, he knows how to flirt, but he doesn't know anything about sustained relationships. I seriously doubt that he left you out of his Thanksgiving plans on purpose.” Abby paused for a moment, playing with her lower lip for a second. “He's different with you. I know I haven't known him for much longer than you have, but you've only known him since you moved in, really. He doesn't act the same since you guys got together.”

  Megan took that in without saying anything.

  Abby stepped closer and rubbed Megan's back. “Just don't read too much into anything without talking to him, okay? And don't believe what some skank dressed like a Playboy bunny says to you at a party. Those jersey chasers can get jealous and catty. You should've figured that out by now.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Megan blew out a breath and forced herself to smile. “Can we get out of here and get our hot chocolate now? We can talk about this later when we’re not in a stadium bathroom, okay?”

  Abby laughed. “Okay. If you decide you can't handle going home for Thanksgiving you can come hang out with Lance and me. Either way, you should come over during the break since you'll be alone. We can watch movies and hang out like we used to.”

  Megan hooked her arm with Abby's as they walked to the coffee cart. “Sounds good. Thanks, Abs.”

  Abby squeezed Megan's arm. “Anytime.”

  * * *

  Walking out of the locker room to find Megan, Lance, and Abby waiting for him and Matt at their usual meeting spot eased the knot of tension that still twisted in his gut. Wrapping his arms around Megan and having her meet him partway for a kiss soothed the frustration and disappointment still zinging through his veins. She tasted like chocolate, and he didn't want to break the kiss, but the others were waiting, so he pulled back. He couldn't help dropping one more little kiss on her mouth and nuzzling her hair, breathing her in.

  His last game and they fucking lost. He swung between bitter disappointment at ending his football career this way, and wild hope that maybe it wasn't all over. Maybe he'd do well at the Regional Combines and make it all the way to the NFL draft. He didn't care if he didn't get picked up until the last round. Of course, earlier would be nice, but since he wasn't being courted by scouts, realistically, his chances were pretty low for getting that far at all.

  Megan's presence steadied out those emotions and brought him back down. A few drinks at a party to commiserate with his teammates, then getting home to bury himself inside her would make him feel much better. He was tempted to skip the party altogether. They could have a few beers at home and he could get her naked that much sooner. But he'd already promised his teammates he'd come out. This was their last post-game party. Their last night as a team. He couldn't bring himself to bail completely.

  Lance lifted his chin at Chris when he looked up. “Ready?”

  Chris glanced at Matt who raised his eyebrows, then down at Megan. She grinned. “I’m driving. You guys can safely drown your sorrows, and I'll take you both home and put you to bed.”

  Chris laughed. “Babe, I better be the only one you're taking to bed.”

  Megan smacked his chest and stuck her tongue out at him. “I’m not going to leave Matt on the floor or stumbling his way to bed and breaking something. But I'm not going to climb in with him, either.”

  “Fine, whatever. Just so long as you end up in bed with me, I don't really care.”

  Megan smirked at him but didn't say anything, and they all headed out to the parking lot. The rain had finally let up some time during the fourth quarter, and hadn't started again, even though the clouds remained, a gloomy ceiling making it prematurely dark outside. They dodged puddles on their way to their cars, keeping their heads down against the wind that had picked up.

  The party was at Sullivan's place, not too far from campus. Chris always felt a little weird when he rode in Megan's car. He preferred to drive but was grateful she'd volunteered to be DD. He didn't know if he'd get that drunk tonight, though, still just wanting to get home and spend time with Megan. Maybe they could foist Matt off on Abby and Lance again. That way they could leave early if Matt wasn't ready to go yet.

  He sat in the back being his usual calm self, but Chris knew that he was pissed about the way the game had ended. Matt had tried to strip the ball during those last minutes of the game, and almost managed to do it. The running back had bobbled the ball, but had managed to bring it in before Matt could tip it again and bat it away.

  The party was well underway by the time they got there. Sullivan must've had people there to get things started before the game even ended. They had to park a couple of blocks away, which just cemented Chris's plans to only have a few drinks and head home. He didn't want to make Megan get his and Matt's drunk asses all the way to the car in the cold when she was parked that far away.

  A round of cheers greeted their entrance, and they grabbed their drinks before settling on the couch in the living room, him in the corner with Megan on his lap and Matt next to them. Lance and Abby walked in just as they were getting settled, and they kicked a sophomore off the couch to make room for them. They spent time drinking and dissecting the game and what went wrong, bemoaning the end of the season, the seniors talking about their plans for next semester or after graduation. Someone got out a bottle of tequila, lime quarters, and a salt shaker and they took turns doing shots.

  After a few rounds, one of the guys called out, “Let's do body shots!” A girl squealed, whether in anticipation or not Chris wasn't sure.

  He grinned at Megan, who laughed and pulled her shirt to one side, exposing more of her shoulder for him, handed him the salt shaker, and put a lime wedge in her mouth. His grin grew wider, and he leaned forward, licking and sucking where her shoulder met her neck. He sprinkled the salt on the wet spot he'd just made, taking the shot from the redhead who was doling them out. He licked the salt, knocked back the tequila, and sucked the lime out of Megan's mouth. He spat it to the side before taking her mouth again, kissing her deeply. A round of cheers went up around them, and Megan pulled back, laughing.

  She leaned forward to talk in his ear so she could be heard without shouting. “I’m going to go use the bathroom and get something to drink.”

  He watched her ass as she picked her way through the crowd until she rounded the corner and he couldn't see her anymore. Laying his head against the back of the couch, he closed his eyes for a moment, the adrenaline from the game long since burned out of his muscles, and the alcohol making him pleasantly tired.

  After what seemed like just a moment, he felt someone climb onto his lap, straddling him. Soft hands gripped his cheeks, then lips were on his. A tongue forced its way into his mouth.

  This was wrong. She was taller, heavier, and tasted like liquor instead of soda. He couldn't pull his head back because he was trapped against the back of the couch. His eyes popped open, but he could only make out a halo of red hair.

  Who the hell was this chick? He gripped her hips and tried to push her away. She seemed to take it as encouragement and ground her pelvis into his lap. He got his hands up to her wrists and managed to push her back enough to break the kiss.

  The redhead that had handed him the shot stared down into his face, smiling. She looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place her.

  Rage worked its way past the
alcohol. “What the fuck?”

  The smile on her face slipped, but she tried to reach for him again. He pushed her backward and stood up, letting her fall to the ground.

  Shock and anger took over her face, her features pinching together. “What the fuck, Chris?” She scrambled up off the floor and pulled her dress down.

  “That's what I want to know! What the fuck? Who the hell are you and why are you climbing in my lap and kissing me?” He towered over her, yelling, causing her to back away from him. Hands on his arms started pulling at him, but he shrugged them off, crossing his arms and waiting for her to answer. “Well?”

  She looked around, trying to find support. “You were interested in me at the pool party. We kissed. You acted like you wanted to hook up, but then you got busy and I wanted to pick up where we left off.”

  “And watching me make out with someone else made you think tonight was the night to make your move?”

  Her eyes flicked over Chris's shoulders, then she put her shoulders back and firmed her sneer. “Aren't you done with that bitch yet? You've been fucking her for months. Everyone knows it's time for you to move on.”

  Chris's mouth fell open, and he drew a deep breath, prepared to tell her exactly what she needed to know, but Matt's voice in his ear stopped him. “Dude. I know. But Megan just left. She was on her way back and saw that bitch trying to shove her tongue down your throat. She turned around right before you dumped her on the floor. I just heard the door slam. She's gone. You need to go after her. Now.”

  Chris closed his mouth and nodded once, not sure what to do. He was too buzzed to try to drive. Maybe he could catch her before she got to the car. God, he hoped so.


  Megan froze. There was some chick on Chris's lap, kissing him. He had his hands on her hips and wasn’t protesting. She swallowed against the lump in her throat, fighting to keep down the contents of her stomach that threatened to make a reappearance. Everything she'd feared unfolded right in front of her eyes. It was like talking to Abby about it tonight had put it all out there, and here was the proof she'd been wanting.

  Wow. It hadn't taken him long to move on. She'd been gone for less than ten minutes. The shots might've gone to his head, but she'd figured he was able to hold his liquor better than this unless he were interested.

  She blinked hard to try to dispel the burning sensation in her eyes. Someone bumped into her, jostling her out of her frozen state. “Sorry,” they muttered before moving on.

  Megan whirled and made her way back to the kitchen and the alcohol. She stopped in the doorway. Shit. She was driving. She couldn't get trashed right now no matter how much she wanted to. Fuck.

  Pushing her way back to the front door, she ignored the sounds of annoyance from the people she moved out of her way or slipped between. She could only focus on getting out the door. Once she got to her car she could figure the rest out.

  She paused on the front step. The cold air hit her like a slap in the face. That was what brought tears to her eyes. The cold. And the wind. That was all. She took a deep, shuddery breath and wrapped her arms around herself. Head down, she started the trek to her car. The temperature had dropped as the wind had picked up. She guessed it was close to freezing now, the sparkling moisture on the sidewalk hinting at either thick frost or ice by morning.

  Footsteps pounded behind her, and she moved to the right so whoever was running could pass her easily. A hand grabbed her left bicep, stopping her and turning her around.

  Chris stood in front of her, breathing hard. She ripped her arm away from him. “What do you want?”

  “Where are you going?”

  She stared at him for a moment, not even sure how to respond to that. “I’m leaving.”


  An ugly laugh escaped her chest before she could throttle it. It was bad enough that he would know he affected her enough for her to bail like this, but she couldn't handle having him see all of her emotions. It was too raw. Too real. And he didn't deserve that knowledge. She needed to put on her cold bitch face and get away before she couldn't hold it together anymore. “It looked like you had your hands full enough. You don't seem to need me anymore.”

  He ran a hand through his hair and over his face, a gesture of frustration that she recognized. It also meant he didn't know what to say or do. Fan-fucking-tastic. He didn't even know how to defend himself. The simplest defense being that she attacked him or something. Not that that was likely judging by what she'd seen. Or that he wasn't into it, even if that bitch had climbed onto him uninvited. “Fuck, Megan. I don't know what you saw, but I promise it wasn't what it looked like.”

  Another bark of laughter came out, this one more incredulous. “That's rich, Chris. So there wasn't a redhead in your lap with her tongue down your throat? I just imagined that?” She snorted and turned to head for the car.

  His hand fell on her shoulder, but she shrugged him off, not even looking back. “Megan. Listen! Wait a goddamn minute and let me tell you what happened!”

  She cast a look over her shoulder, but didn't stop. Chris was keeping pace beside her. “You know what? It doesn't even matter. It's not like this could ever go anywhere anyway. We both know this was just about convenience. If you're ready to move on to another fuck buddy, or a series of hookups like you used to do, that's your business. The season's over, so you'll have more time for that kind of shit anyway, right? I just don't want to watch, that's all.”

  She put her head down and started to walk faster. It wasn't like Chris wouldn't be able to keep up. Even buzzed he could outrun her any day. He was in good shape and his legs were longer than hers. But she hoped he'd get the point that she was done with this conversation, done with him, and to leave her alone.

  He followed her as far as her car, stopping on the sidewalk by the passenger door while she went around the car to the driver's side. She looked at him over the roof of the car. His face was twisted like he was in pain and goosebumps danced over the bare skin of his arms.

  “Fuck, Megan. Please? Just listen. You don't have to talk, just listen. Please.”

  She shook her head, not trusting her voice to speak without breaking. Her hands were remarkably steady when she shoved the key in the ignition. She slammed the car into drive and pulled away from the curb without even bothering to signal. Fortunately no cars were coming.

  On the way back to the house she realized that she was so screwed. She and Chris shared a room. All their stuff was intermingled. Even if he had his own room still, what was she going to do? She couldn't stay in that house, couldn't handle seeing him. What if he brought some chick home?

  She pulled over on the side of the road, not entirely sure where she was. In her anger and hurt, she'd just been driving, not paying attention to where she was going. She pulled out her phone and sent a text to Abby. Maybe she could crash there while she figured shit out. At least the semester would be over soon. Finding a roommate would be easier between semesters. Not as good as at the beginning or end of summer, but better than mid-semester.

  Come back to the party. I'll meet you out front and give you my key.

  Megan let out a breath at the text in her hand. She was a little nervous about going back to the party. What if Chris tried to talk to her again? She couldn't handle that right now. It was only through years of practice from dealing with her parents that she was able to keep the rage and tears in check. But her tenuous hold on her emotions wouldn't last much longer. She needed to get her things and get to Abby's house before she let it out. She couldn't even let out a little of her frustration for fear that everything would come out before she was somewhere safe.

  Okay. Be there in 5. Don't tell anyone.

  I have to tell Lance you'll be at our apartment tonight. But I won't tell him I'm handing off my key until you're gone.

  Good enough. Thanks.

  Paying more attention and using her blinker this time, Megan turned around and headed back to the party. She pulled up in front
of the house where Abby stood shivering in her long sleeved t-shirt, arms crossed and shoulders hunched, wisps of blonde hair that had come free from her ponytail whipping in the wind. Megan rolled down the window and Abby thrust the key into her hand, leaned in, and hugged her.

  “Thanks again, Abs.”

  “Anytime. I'll make sure the guys get home. You'll have to crash on the couch. See you when Lance and I get home.”

  “Right. Thanks. See you there.”

  Abby waved before she turned and ran back to the door, in a hurry to get out of the cold. Megan left again, paying more attention to where she was going this time. Her first stop was at the house to pack some essentials. She wasn't sure how long she'd be at Abby and Lance's house, but figured she could come back for more once things were sorted out, so she threw her toiletries, makeup, pjs and a change of clothes in her backpack. At the last second she grabbed a sketch pad and her pastels and stuffed them in before she grabbed her phone charger and headed for Lance and Abby's. She hoped Lance kept the fridge stocked with beer. She planned on drinking whatever she could find and paying them back for it later.

  * * *

  “Megan!” Chris pushed the front door shut, barely managing not to slam it. He flexed his hands at his sides while he waited for an answer that didn't come. The house was quiet, the lights all off. The door to their bedroom was cracked, no telltale spill of light flooding out. He ran his hands through his hair, clutched it in his hands and pulled, trying to use the sting of pain on his scalp to help him focus, to figure out what to do.

  He pushed the door open and held his breath, hoping to find her curled on the bed, or the door to the bathroom closed, indicating she might be in there. But the room was still, no signs of life anywhere. The bed looked the same as it had when he'd left earlier, the blankets a little rumpled, but no sign anyone had been in it in the last few hours. Megan's things were all still there, no sign of hurried packing and leaving. He let out his breath, relieved at that. She just hadn't come home yet, maybe.