Unsaid Things (Players of Marycliff University #4) Read online

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  “Now, Lance—“

  “No.” He pointed his finger at his dad. “I don’t know what your problem is, but don’t. Don’t start.”

  “I’ll start whatever I like. This is my house, and while you’re here I won’t have—“

  “Jon.” His mom’s quiet voice interrupted his dad’s tirade, a question clear on her face.

  Lance took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. Only his dad could push his buttons this much. “We live together. We share an apartment. Why wouldn’t you think we’d expect to stay in the same room while we were here?” Good. He’d managed to keep his voice calm, reasonable.

  “It’s okay, Lance. I can stay in the guest room.”

  Abby’s voice had Lance whipping around. He hadn’t even realized she’d followed him down. “What? No. No, you won’t. You’re staying with me.” He turned to face his dad again. “She’s staying with me. If that’s a problem for you, I’ll book us a hotel. But she’s not staying in the guest room.” He stopped himself from saying “fucking guest room,” but just barely.

  His dad’s mouth opened, but his mom’s voice spoke next. “Of course, Lance. You don’t need to get a hotel.” She shot a glare at his dad, who’d snapped his mouth shut, a glower on his face now.

  Lance nodded once, turned, and led Abby back upstairs, his mom’s soft voice chastising his dad following him from the room. Goddammit. He ran a hand through his hair, so frustrated with everything. What the hell was his dad’s problem? Was he still mad at him for not moving back here and working at the garage? It had been months. His mom had assured him that his dad was fine with everything, had agreed that it was wrong to keep him in Denton when he belonged elsewhere, doing what he wanted, with the woman he loved. Had she lied to him? Or just hoped that by telling him that it would eventually be true? Fuck.

  He left Abby in his room and stomped down the hall to the guest room to retrieve her suitcase. Gabby poked her head out of her room on his way back, her brows wrinkled with concern. “Everything alright?”

  He let out a sigh, trying to calm down. He shouldn’t let his dad get to him this much. “Yeah. It’s fine. We’re fine. Don’t worry about it.”

  She didn’t look like she believed him, but said, “Okay,” and waited for him to get into his room before she went back into hers.

  Lance set Abby’s suitcase next to his and flopped back onto the bed where she sat, pulling her down next to him. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I don’t—”

  She squeezed him, cutting him off, then propped herself up and ran her hand over the stubble on his cheek. “It’s fine, Lance. I’m okay.”

  “Are you?” She hadn’t seemed okay since they’d landed.

  But she nodded. “Yeah. Or at least I will be. Your mom and your sister are great, and I think we’ll have fun, even if Gabby is kinda overwhelming with all her talking. But that just means I won’t have to talk as much, right?”

  He smiled back at her. “Right. Gabby grew into her nickname, that’s for sure. Don’t worry, though. Marissa isn’t as chatty as Gabby is. I think you’ll get along with her really well.”

  “Good. I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

  He pulled her in for a kiss, then tucked them both under the covers. The smell of his mom’s fabric softener washing over him, making him feel at home. He pulled Abby close, spooning her to his front, and listened to her breathing even out and settle into the slower pattern of sleep. But the confrontation with his dad had him too keyed up to sleep too. So he contented himself with holding her, glad that his mom was on his side, even if his dad was being an ass.

  Chapter Four

  Soft lips on her bare shoulder roused Abby, making her turn onto her back. Lance kissed a path from her shoulder up her neck to her mouth, his tongue tangling with hers in sweet, familiar strokes. His hand trailed down her hip, sliding under the t-shirt she wore, tracing inside the waistband of her panties. When his hand slipped lower, she reached down and stopped its progress, breaking the kiss.

  “What’s wrong? You usually like it when I wake you up like this.” His face still hovered above her, and his breath fanned over her lips as he spoke. It had grown dark while she slept and the curtains were closed, so she couldn’t see him at all. Only feel him. Which would normally be delicious, but …

  “Lance, we’re at your parents’ house.”

  “So?” He nipped at her lower lip, wriggling his fingers where they still lay at the top of her mound, tantalizing her.

  She let out a low groan, and he flexed his hips, grinding himself against her thigh before biting her earlobe, his breath coming out hot as he whispered in her ear. “Sweetheart, if you don’t want to fool around in my parents’ house, you shouldn’t make sounds like that.”

  She turned her head and kissed him again, but tightened her grip on his wrist when his fingers tried to quest lower. It was his turn to groan. “Abby, you’re killing me.”

  “I know. I just—what if they come knock at the door? What time is it? Your sister’s supposed to come over for dinner, and I feel weird having sex in here while everyone’s home. What if they hear us?”

  He chuckled, low and wicked, but took his hand away, rolling to the side to grab his phone, the light making her blink against its glare in the dark room. “Fine. You’re right. It’s almost five. We should get up.” He gave her one quick, hard kiss. “But don’t think we’re going all week without sex just because we’re at my parents’ house. I don’t have any hangups about that. And their bedroom is far enough away that they shouldn’t hear us as long as you keep it down.”

  Before she could say anything, Lance was up and off the bed, flicking on the switch, causing Abby to fling her arm over her eyes to shield them from the blinding overhead light.

  “C’mon, Abs. Time to go meet my big sister and her boyfriend.” He turned away from her, and Abby smirked as she watched him tuck himself into his jeans. She knew he was deliberately not looking at her to give himself time to calm down.

  Abby took her time picking out something to wear, wanting to look better than she had when she first met Lance’s family. She still hoped Lance’s dad would come around, but after the way things went down before their nap, that seemed almost impossible. The confrontation between Lance and his dad made her feel a lot more awkward about their visit. She’d been under the impression that his parents were okay with the fact that he’d moved back to Spokane to be with her. Apparently his mom was, but his dad wasn’t. At all. And he didn’t seem to like her either.


  Lance’s voice broke through her worried thoughts. “Yeah. But, um, do you think your dad’s going to be okay with me after …?” She waved a hand toward the door, trying to encompass everything.

  He pulled her into his arms, his tone reassuring. “Try not to worry about him. He’s … well, I think he’s still mad at me for not moving back home in August like I was supposed to.”

  She drew her brows together. “I thought your parents were okay with that, though. Wasn’t your mom the one who told you to come back to Spokane?”

  Letting out a sigh, Lance nodded. “Yeah. But that was my mom. Dad didn’t seem happy about it even then, but I thought he’d come around. I guess not.” He shrugged. “I’m sorry for earlier. That wasn’t fair to you. I’m not going to let him treat you badly as some kind of twisted punishment to me. If he keeps it up, we will go stay at a hotel.”

  “Lance, that’s not—“

  “Yes, it is. It’s completely necessary. We’re here to visit my family because my mom and sisters want to meet you, and I want you to meet them. If he’s too busy acting like a jackass, that’s his problem. But I’m not going to let him be rude to you or make you uncomfortable. You’re my guest here, you’re my girlfriend, and he needs to know that I won’t tolerate that kind of behavior, not even from him.”

  Abby recognized the implacable tone and the fire burning in Lance’s eyes. There was no arguing with him like this. And really, she appreciated that he
would defend her, even from his own family. But she couldn’t help feeling responsible for Lance not moving back to Texas as planned and causing all the tension they were now experiencing. Lance had chosen her over his family, and cost himself the relationship with his father. But she’d never felt more loved and happy than she was with Lance, and as guilty as she felt about the conflict between him and his dad, she couldn’t bring herself to be sorry that they were together. She still swooned when she remembered the day Lance came back. Megan tricked her into thinking they were going to a party and took her to see Lance instead. She’d missed him so much while they were apart, and she almost couldn’t believe that he’d come back. For her.

  “Hey. Don’t worry about my dad, okay? I’m sure that my mom’s already kicked his ass for the way he acted earlier. I doubt he’ll do anything else. Okay?”

  She gave him a little smile. “Okay. Let’s go meet your other sister.”

  Lance led the way out of his room and down the stairs, keeping her hand in his. They found Lance’s parents in the kitchen, working around each other to get dinner ready. Jon nodded at them, a platter of raw chicken in his hand, and opened a door to a patio off the breakfast area. Gabby sat at the breakfast bar, chattering away at another dark-haired woman and a Hispanic man standing at the end, drinks in hand. She guessed they must be Marissa and Peter.

  Elizabeth turned and saw Abby and Lance in the room. “Lance! Abby! Did you get some rest? Feeling better?” She wiped her hands on a towel and came over and hugged them both, beaming at them. Keeping an arm around Abby’s shoulders, she turned her to face the breakfast bar. “Abby, I’d like you to meet Marissa, Lance’s older sister, and Peter, her boyfriend. Marissa and Peter, this is Abby, Lance’s girlfriend.”

  Marissa slid off her stool, a taller, more mature version of Gabby with long, dark hair, manicured brows, and perfect makeup. She extended a hand, her fingers tipped with a French manicure, her eyes twinkling, looking Abby up and down. Everything about her screamed polish and sophistication, from her sleek, shiny hair down to her fashionable high-heeled ankle boots. “Nice to meet you, Abby. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Abby swallowed, feeling young and plain in comparison, and took Marissa’s hand. “Nice to meet you, too.”

  Quirking an eyebrow, Marissa smiled, her red lips staying closed. “So you’re the one who managed to tame my little brother, hmm?”

  “Um … apparently.”

  “Marissa, be nice.” Lance’s voice came from behind Abby, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She cast a look up at him.

  Marissa’s tinkling laugh drew Abby’s attention back to her. “I’m teasing, Lance. Calm down. You don’t need to go all protective-caveman on me. I’m your sister. It’s my job to size up your girlfriends.”

  Lance’s tone held a wry edge as he said, “I don’t remember you appreciating it when I did that to your boyfriends.”

  Propping herself on one of the stools at the breakfast bar, Marissa picked up her glass of water, laughing some more. “Okay, fine. Point made.” She refocused on Abby. “I’m glad to meet you, Abby. And I’m looking forward to getting to know you while y’all are here. I have to work the next two days, but we should do something in the evening.”

  “Yes!” That was Gabby. “I told her we should have a girls’ night. You, me, and her. We can go to your apartment and watch movies and give each other makeovers and stuff. It’ll be so much fun!” Gabby clapped her hands together.

  Marissa’s smile grew wider, and she looked from her little sister to Abby. “Sounds like Gabby’s got it all planned out for us. What do you say?”

  Abby glanced back up at Lance again, who gave her an encouraging smile. She looked between Gabby’s hopeful expression and Marissa’s open one, both waiting for her answer. “Um, sure. That sounds good.”

  Gabby clapped again and bounced in her seat. “It’ll be so much fun, Abby! Marissa has a great movie selection and the best makeup. When should we do it?”

  “Maybe Tuesday night?” Abby focused on Marissa. “That way we won’t be keeping you up late before you have to go to work.”

  Elizabeth cut in. “Nope. We have Christmas Eve traditions Tuesday night.” She pointed at all of them with the knife she was using to chop vegetables for a salad. “You’ll all be here.”

  Marissa held up her hands as though in surrender. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at her daughter. “Don’t you sass me, young lady.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, Mom.” Marissa turned back to Abby and Gabby. “We can do it tomorrow night. Or we can wait until after Christmas. It’s up to you two.”

  “Let’s do it tomorrow,” Gabby blurted. “We can’t do it Wednesday, because Christmas, and Lance and Abby are leaving on Friday, so I doubt she’ll want to do it on Thursday. Is that okay?”

  Marissa nodded and turned to Abby. “Sound okay to you?”

  “Sounds great.”

  “Yay!” Gabby could barely contain her excitement, while Abby was nervous. She barely knew these two, and now she’d be at Marissa’s apartment for an unknown amount of time without a car of her own to escape. But one look at the happiness on Lance’s face at the fact that she was hitting it off with his sisters made her nerves seem a small price to pay. He hadn’t ever said so, but she knew he wanted her to get along with his family.

  Peter took that opportunity to offer his hand to Abby, his dark brown eyes amused in his handsome face. “Nice to meet you.”

  Abby smiled. “Nice to meet you, too.”

  Peter and Lance exchanged nods. “Good to see you again,” Peter said.

  “You too. How’s the shop?”


  Abby followed this exchange, a little confused now. “The shop? What shop?”

  Lance glanced down at her. “My dad’s shop.”

  “Oh, Peter works with your dad?”

  Lance nodded.

  “When this one didn’t come back like he was supposed to,” Peter gestured at Lance, “I got promoted to manager. I’ve been working there since Lance left to go to college. That’s actually how I met Marissa.”

  “Oh.” Abby didn’t know what else to say.

  Marissa leaned forward and set her hand on Peter’s shoulder. “I run the office, so Peter and I see each other all the time.” She rolled her eyes in mock-annoyance.

  Peter wrapped his arm around her waist. “Aw, babe, you know you can’t get enough of me.” He kissed her on the cheek, then she turned her head for a kiss on the mouth.

  Gabby spoke up. “Eew. Virgin eyes here. I don’t need to see all the PDA from my siblings, please and thank you.”

  Lance laughed, and Marissa pulled back to look at her sister, but kept her arms wrapped around Peter. “Oh, please, Gabby. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”

  “Your dad’ll be back in with the chicken in a few minutes,” Elizabeth broke in, “and we’ll be ready to eat. Gabby, take the plates to the dining room. Marissa, you take the silverware. Lance, you help me with the drinks.”

  Lance detached himself from Abby and started pulling glasses out of the cabinet by the sink, setting them on the counter by the fridge. Abby looked around at the sudden eruption of activity. “Um, is there anything I can do?”

  Elizabeth winked at her. “Nothing at all, dear. You’re a guest. Go find a seat in the dining room and relax.”

  She met Peter’s eyes, who shrugged. “It’s like this every time I come over, too. You get used to it after a while. C’mon. Let’s go grab a seat.” Abby followed Peter into the formal dining room, preparing herself for her first Kane family dinner. She’d had dinner with Megan’s family a few times over the years, but those were always tense, awkward affairs. This would be something else altogether.

  Chapter Five

  Dinner was full of laughter and conversation—even Jon cracked his impassive facade, telling embarrassing stories of Lance and his sisters, much to Abby’s delight. Peter got a kick out of it, t
oo, though it was clear he’d already heard the stories about Marissa. And no wonder. He was practically part of the family already, comfortable and sure of his welcome in this tight-knit clan. Maybe someday Abby would feel the same way, but the barrier of two thousand miles seemed difficult to conquer. She’d never be able to spend the time with Lance’s family that Peter did.

  What would it be like if they were to move here after she graduated in a year and a half? Nice as it was to fantasize about weekly or even monthly dinners with Lance’s family and the excitement of living in a major metropolitan area, reality soon came crashing back.

  Leaving her mom for a week had been hard enough. Moving away from her would be impossible. And there were too many hurdles to moving her mom with them—like what it would mean for her mom’s Social Security payments—not the least of which would be convincing her mom. No, there would be no comfortable and happy family dinners in Abby’s future. Not like this, anyway.

  The next day Lance took her around town to show her where he grew up, driving by the high school and stopping by his dad’s shop. Jon came out to greet them as they got out of the car, wiping his hands on a greasy rag.

  “Well, I wasn’t sure you’d ever grace this place with your presence again.”

  Lance closed Abby’s door for her, a smirk on his face. “I know, I know. But I wanted to show Abby what I’m giving up to be with her.”

  Jon waved them in through an open bay door. Peter looked out at them from under the hood of a car, holding up a hand in greeting before going back to work. Lance ushered Abby into the office area. Marissa sat behind a counter talking on the phone, scheduling someone to come in for service. The waiting area was furnished with comfortable vinyl armchairs, a low coffee table covered with magazines, and a television tuned to some daytime soap opera in the corner. A soda machine and candy machine stood side by side, a water cooler next to them, and a small table with carafes of coffee and hot water for tea and hot chocolate.